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Seven Mukhi Rudraksha


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Seven Mukhi Large Rudraksha

According to Shastra’s

।। सप्त्वक्त्रो महेशानीहुह्यनंगो नाम नामतः धारणातस्य देवेशी दरिद्रोपीश्वरो भवेत् ।।
शिवपुराण, अ २५, श्लो ७२

The Rudraksha with the number 7 is an Anang form. By donning it, even a person in need becomes Ishwar (full of possessions). The Shiv Purana, Chapter. 25, Shakra. 72 The Seven Mukhi Rudrakshas’ Essence The 7 Mukhi Rudraksha is anang in shape, according to our scriptures. By donning it, even a person in need becomes Ishwar (full of possessions). The Saptamatrikas bless the 7 Mukhi Rudraksha and bestow Goddess Lakshmi’s blessings upon it. This bead is blessed by the Sun, Mahasen, Anang, and Ananta, the serpent, who are among the seven Saptarishis.In fact, the term “Ananta” (meaning “infinite”) provides insight into the range of abilities this bead’s possessor has. The Lord Vishnu declared in the scriptures that Ananta is the greatest serpent. Sthira Lakshmi, the steady Lakshmi, is frequently seen riding on Ananta with Lord Vishnu. So, the power of the goddess Lakshmi in her most reliable form is contained within one bead. Riches, fame, advancement, and good fortune are all brought about by the favor of Goddess Lakshmi. The user of this bead feels this power, according to the writings.Wearing a 7 Mukhi Rudraksha has several advantages: General Advantages: It is said that this heavenly bead cancels out Saturn’s unfavorable effects. People who wear the 7 Mukhi notice an increase in their income as their financial situation stabilizes. In order to attract more money, it is also said that two beads from the 7 Mukhi can be placed in the ca nthusiast’s business cash box or a corner of their home, which will bring more money flowing into their house sh box, handbag, or safe.

Spiritual advantages: According to the scriptures, the Manipura/Solar Plexus Chakra is linked to individual strength. This chakra is successfully energised by the 7 mukhi. Thus, the wearer experiences desire, inner strength, improved emotional instinct, and a powerful gut feeling.

The neck, nerves, lower back, and kidneys are thought to benefit from the use of this Rudraksha. A Kantha is made up of 32 beads that are part of the 7 Mukhi. It is said in writings that wearing this might help people recover from paralytic episodes. It helps the wearer regain control of the damaged limbs while supplying the affected limbs with divine energy.

Who should wear a seven-mukhi Rudraksha?

According to scriptures, the 7 Mukhi Rudraksha is beneficial in reducing Saturn’s negative impacts. He is renowned for being a strict taskmaster who distributes outcomes according to one’s karma. When Lakshmi leaves Saturn after administering justice during the Sade Sati era, according to the Puranas, it is always agreeable. According to the Matsya Purana, Saturn heals those who pray and do good deeds. This is the rationale for the 7 Mukhi Rudraksha’s recommendation for persons with joint pain, arthritis, and other conditions affecting the bones and nerves. The 7 Mukhi Rudraksha is a well-liked bead due to its many advantages. Both businesspeople and professionals wear it. To draw and stabilize riches, place two 7 Mukhi Rudraksha beads in the cash box. For the purpose of guaranteeing riches with stability and energizing them with mantras, the same might be stored at a place of worship. The 7 Mukhi hanging is used in the home or office to draw money and lessen Shani’s unfavorable impacts. For people who experience any kind of discomfort or condition that makes them immobile, 7 Mukhi Kantha is highly recommended. The master bead that adorns the Shani Kantha, a highly potent combination, is the 7 Mukhi Rudraksha. Hinduism regards wearing this Rudraksha, performing Sandhya Vandana, and reciting the Gayatri Mantra as part of a highly sacred ceremony. The scriptures unambiguously suggest that the 7 Mukhi Rudraksha wearer maintains his integrity despite leading a prosperous life in the earthly world.Those who submit to the Goddess of Fortune with a pure heart are blessed with good fortune (Mahalakshmi). In order to connect to both Mahalakshmi and the other celestial spirits gracing this bead, we advise wearing it close to the heart.

Narrative of the Seven Mukhi Rudraksha and the Goddess Lakshmi
Wealth and plenty are said to be bestowed by the goddess Lakshmi. Lord Indra was regal and powerful as the monarch of Devatas while she was in Devlok. Goddess Lakshmi leaves him when the Sage Durvasa condemns him for his haughtiness and negligence, leaving him feeble and without glory. The Naaglok and the Asuras’ underworld are thereafter graced by her.She showered Bali, the Asuras’ king, with innumerable blessings. When the hunt for Amrut began, it was decided to churn the ocean. Both Devas and Asuras saw her rise from the milky sea in the midst of the churning. She was married to Vishnu right away and went to Vaikuntha with him. When she sat with her husband on the strong Ananta Naag at this place, she displayed her sthira (stable) appearance.

According to the Padma Purana, the seven aspects of the 7 Mukhi Rudraksha are home to seven powerful snakes. Snakes, or nagas, are powerful elemental entities. Because of the grace of these Nagas, the wearer of this bead is immune to any poisons. Crimes like stealing, adultery, and drug misuse are sins that bring about bad karma. The sins caused by them are cleansed by this bead.


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